Install geopandas on Windows

1 min readOct 15, 2021
Photo by billow926 on Unsplash

When tried to install geopandas on my desktop, I got a lot of package conflicts and the installation just got terminated with errors. Following are some steps I tried, to be honest, I am not sure which exactly help with the installation, but I think it may be just as simple as these:

  • Update all packages
conda update --all
  • Install geopandas
conda install -c conda-forge geopandas

In between these two steps, I tried to follow this link to install the dependencies for geopandas, but I didn’t successfully get fiona installed. After failure on installing fiona, I tried

conda install -c conda-forge geopandas

and it worked! So my guess is that after update all packages with conda, it resolves the package conflict problems, and it is ready to install geopandas.

I installed geopandas under my base environment. It took some time to get it installed, so I didn’t go back to replicate the steps. For my case, I think it is the two steps worked. The dependencies I installed are: shapely, pyproj, rtree, geopy, and descartes.

